“I was captivated by your speech today. It seemed almost magical the way you took us into the lives of wolves. Today was also the day that I realized along with everyone else, the true…
I fell in love with wolves years ago when I found a picture of a sick pup. But then after a month I forgot, but after hearing you talk, my love for wolves has been rekindled. In just a few hours I fell in love with the Sawtooth Pack. I learned that there is more to wolves than meets the eye. I hope to raise awareness and money for wolves. Thank you for taking the time to do your presentation and for doing the thing you love. I hope the wolf population grows back.
Your presentation has shown that wolves are curious and smart. I will take your words of wisdom and I will pass them so they go from generation to generation. After these words travel all over the world, then mankind will know the truth about wolves and they will know how important wolves are and to take care of our planet earth.

“Your presentation was truly heartwarming and my entire perspective on wolves has changed. I hope that wolves will live on even when I have grandkids so that I can show them the video and tell…