The House Interior/EPA appropriations bill will be considered on the House floor, beginning this Thursday, June 25, 2015 in Washington D.C. The bill includes the same rider to delist wolves from the list of Endangered Species in Wyoming, Wisconsin, Michigan and Minnesota as was attached to the Senate Interior/EPA appropriations bill.
The Senate Interior/EPA appropriations bill was approved last Thursday, June 18, 2015, by the Senate Appropriations Committee on a party-line vote of 16-14, despite democratic opposition to the bill in protest of the 11 “poison pill riders.” Sen. Udall proposed a separate amendment that would have removed all 11 “poison pill riders,” including the wolf delisting rider, but Republicans rejected this amendment (16-14), from the Interior-EPA bill.
According to Earthjustice, the House appropriations bill that will enter the House floor on Thursday June 25, 2015, also contains a number of other attacks on the Endangered Species Act and the species on its list. In addition to wolves, other species who may be affected include the northern long-eared bat, sage grouse, and elephants/ivory. It is also possible that more species-related amendments will be offered on the House floor.
Please contact your U.S. Representative to oppose the wolf delisting rider and all other attacks on the ESA in the House Interior/EPA appropriations bill.
Call the Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121 and ask to be connected to your representatives!
Not sure what to say? Earthjustice has written up a list of great points to make to your senator after introducing yourself with your name, where you are calling from, and a message like the following:
Hello. My name is [Full Name] from [City and State]. I respectfully request that my U.S. Representative oppose federal legislation that has been introduced to remove federal wolf protections. I urge you to oppose these harmful attacks on wolves and to oppose all other legislation that undermines the Endangered Species Act!
Your U.S. Representative needs to know that you won’t stand for attacks on wolves, other imperiled species, or the integrity of our environmental protection laws like the ESA.