In one year, nearly 50 percent of Idaho’s wolves have been killed. Wyoming announces a shoot-on-sight policy in more than 80 percent of the state, any time of year, no license required. Montana triples its hunting quota and…
Via a rider attached to the federal budget, Congress removes wolves from endangered species protection in the Northern Rockies. A lone wolf, known as OR-7, crosses from Oregon into California, the first in more than 80 years.
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service proposes removing the northern Rocky Mountain wolf population from the endangered species list. Three months later, the Service receives a letter from 247 independent scientists opposing the proposal and…
A federal mandate allows livestock owners in Montana and Idaho, with no permit required, to kill wolves threatening their livestock. State and tribal agencies can also kill wolves to protect their elk and deer herds.
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service approves the Northern Rocky Mountain Wolf Recovery Plan.
The gray wolf is protected by Congress under the Endangered Species Act, and the Rocky Mountain wolf recovery team is established.
Aldo Leopold, pioneer of American conservation, recommends bringing wolves back to Yellowstone.