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Living with Wolves

Act Now! | Living with Wolves


By Recent News

Tell President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder to drop the McKittrick Policy – a policy that prohibits the prosecution of individuals who kill endangered wildlife unless it can be proved that they knew they…

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living with wolves


By Testimonials

“Not only did they educate our students about the role of these remarkable animals in the ecosystem, but the Dutchers’ presence also allowed us to engage the greater Concord community in a very important discussion…

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Before your presentation, I never paid much attention to how endangered wolves are. I think that now, lots of other kids have or will take action. I really, really hope that someday the wolf population will rise and people will play a part in bringing the wolves back for good. Thank you!

Eli (9 years old)

I fell in love with wolves years ago when I found a picture of a sick pup. But then after a month I forgot, but after hearing you talk, my love for wolves has been rekindled. In just a few hours I fell in love with the Sawtooth Pack. I learned that there is more to wolves than meets the eye. I hope to raise awareness and money for wolves. Thank you for taking the time to do your presentation and for doing the thing you love. I hope the wolf population grows back.

August (9 years old)